The Foundation

The Silk Foundation E.T.S. is a Third Sector entity, established as a result of the transformative union between the Silk Factory Foundation, the Silk Factory Alumni Association APS and the Silk Museum Association.

Based in Como, a iconic city of the Italian silk tradition, the Foundation represents a point of reference for the preservation, enhancement and promotion of textile heritage and know-how, with civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes.

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The preserved Heritage

Museum Collection
Most of the material comes from both factories and single donations keeping the history of the area alive.

What can be found at the Museum?

The heritage is made up of thousands of items partly on display:
- Historical textile devices and machinery of particular interest
- Archives of drawings, design paper, colour cards, samples and printing devices (photos 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Collections and objects (i.e. clothing accessories)
- Handmade textile articles, civil and religious silk collections, 20th century clothes, laces and embroideries (photo 5)
- Books and documents
- Weaving exercise books (photo 6)
- Collection of business and private letters
- Printings and lithographs (photo 7)
- Photographs (photo 8)
- Films

Many donations continue to enrich the Museum collection.

Consultation of the heritage not on display

On request, students and researchers can consult our material for degree thesis, specialized articles and studies.

Recognitions / Certifications

Formal recognitions to Associazione per il Museo della Seta di Como and Museo didattico della Seta.

14th June 1999 – Legal entity to Associazione per il Museo della Seta di Como.
5th November 2004 – First recognition to museums and collections in Lombardy.
Three-year recognition to the Educational Silk Museum from Regione Lombardia.
2nd August 2007 – Second recognition to museums and collections from Regione Lombardia.

With reference to art.20 Dlg 39 of 2013, the Como Silk Museum not being a private law entity in public control, it is not required to publish the declarations of non-existence of causes of incompatibility and incompatibility.