Schools Service

The dissemination of knowledge of local textile culture to an increasingly wider public constitutes one of the main objectives of the activities carried out by the Educational Silk Museum.
The educational offer aimed at school students of all levels constitutes one of the most important activities through which the Museum implements its "mission" to spread textile culture and raise young people's awareness of a reality of great importance in the area.

The Como Silk Museum offers a varied and differentiated educational offering, which takes into account the learning objectives required by the various stages of growth of children and teenagers. We are also at your complete disposal to create unique educational experiences, in collaboration with teachers and schools, which respond as much as possible to the needs of the training and educational proposal of each class.
A more specialized discussion is offered to students of secondary, technical or professional schools, to whom the Museum guides illustrate and outline the machinery and tools of the silk supply chain, underlining their construction and use characteristics. The proposed itineraries develop themes relating to culture, history, art and techniques and textile production, in the Como district and around the world, and in-depth films are used to support the visit.

The relationship between the Museum and the world of education fully responds to the name of the institution: "teaching", in fact, is one of the founding aspects, also underlined by the very location of the headquarters, in the building of the Silk Institute and the University , to mark the continuity between the productive world of yesterday (the Museum with its machinery) and the reality of today and tomorrow (the school that prepares future technicians for the textile world).

Relations with the University deserve a separate discussion: the material on display and the documentary material from the archives have repeatedly been the object of interest by university students and professors, to prepare degree theses.

There is also the possibility for undergraduates or graduates to carry out apprenticeship or training periods at the museum, which may concern every aspect of the museum's activity.

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