20/09/2007 - 20/09/2007
Borse from USA – 1930 / 1970 – Vintage America

The Museum is hosting an extraordinary exhibition - the first in the world - on American vintage bags (1930-1970). It is a private collection made up of 180 bags belonging to Sergio Bruno, a passionate collector who seeks, finds and restores original items.
The bags on display cover a 50-year period of an ever-changing society, and represent the American world, which influenced our personal and cultural taste.
It is a unique, curious and fascinating collection which is going to arouse the visitors’ curiosity.
The exhibition also aims at showing the materials used to make bags (some of them tightly linked to that period), both natural (leather, wicker, wood, cotton, linen, wool, silk) and “innovative” (Bakelite, Lucite, celluloid, plastic).
Finally, it is also possible to admire one of Rita Hayworth’s purses (New York, 1940) and two handbags used in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (1961) starring Audrey Hepburn.