07/10/2006 - 07/10/2006

“2006MINIARTEXTILCOMO” at the Educational Silk Museum: “Architetture Tessili” and “Food for the Spirit”.
The Museum is hosting the 16th edition of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art entitled “IN_RETE-2006miniartextilcomo”. For the second year running, it consolidates the cooperation between the Museum and the cultural association “Arte&Arte-Onlus”, created by Nazzarena Bortolaso and Mimmo Totaro.
As in the past edition, the exhibition aims at spreading to other Italian regions and foreign countries (Veneto, Sardinia, France, Switzerland and England) and strengthening the collaboration with local institutions and associations.
The internationally renowned event - the only one in Italy - will display the exhibition “Architetture Tessili” by the French artist Marie-Rose Lortet at the Museum. In addition to that, another room of the Museum will host the installation “Food for the Spirit” by the Italian artist Anna Moro-Lin & Verdeacqua. For further information, please visit http://www.miniartextil.it