Waiting to reopen

Waiting to reopen, a cross-section of the Museum in the 30th year, a reference point for the cultural-economic and tourist activity of the town.
General catalogue of the Museum which introduces the history of textiles in Como, from the development of wool manufacture in the Middle Ages to the introduction of silk up to its industrial development.
It tells how the Rooms and the permanent exhibition were designed.
It documents - with over 400 technological exhibits on display - the phases of the silk chain to get to the Jacquard, printed, finished fabric and - with documents and photographs - to the precious Archive.
Richly illustrated, Italian-English, it introduces to the charm of the "city of silk" also for our numerous foreign visitors.
It will be worth a deepening!
General catalogue of the Museum which introduces the history of textiles in Como, from the development of wool manufacture in the Middle Ages to the introduction of silk up to its industrial development.
It tells how the Rooms and the permanent exhibition were designed.
It documents - with over 400 technological exhibits on display - the phases of the silk chain to get to the Jacquard, printed, finished fabric and - with documents and photographs - to the precious Archive.
Richly illustrated, Italian-English, it introduces to the charm of the "city of silk" also for our numerous foreign visitors.
It will be worth a deepening!